Something is pushing through you to get somewhere else. Zero in. Find it. What is it? Where is it going? Is it here for good, for bad, or for nothing at all? I can't tell you. I'm still trying to communicate with it myself. You can feel it though, right? Some something that may not even be matter, a charge without center, rushing through you. Asking only to get to the center of it all. Taking you with it.
The Fault Overdrive/Distortion is the drive you didn't even know you needed. It can push your amp over the edge, provide a sensitive drive for a clean signal, or act as an all out distortion for your chugging rhythms or singing leads or noise experiments. A Bypass switch turns it on and off. Volume makes it louder. Gain 1 sets the intensity of the first gain stage, and can go from light and sparkly to tight and crunchy.
Low, Mid, and High each cut or boost their respective frequencies - scoop it, hump it, flatten it, whatever your heart desires. Low is a 100 Hz shelf filter, Mid is 500 Hz bell, and High is 3 kHz shelf.
Gain 2 is activated by the Gain 2 footswitch - if it's off, it does nothing. If the knob is all the way down, it does nothing. But turn the switch on and the knob up and you'll find increasingly heavy distortion in a pedal you thought was only an overdrive.